Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hydrostream Speedboat For Sale

Two Zombies Later

When walking through the ordered Tiki issue (July / August 2004) of Mixology I discovered a CD recommendation for the album "Two Zombies Later ", with many (at least for me) unknown artists.

Interesting music, listen absolutely!

behind this (e) the label Comfort Stand Recordings . Meanwhile, they have various reasons ceased to publish music, but one aspect of their work is of particular note: It is legal and free to download, including cover .
The label wanted to make any money, but simply publish music (for whatever genre). So far I have only "Two Zombies Later" by one and have noticed that quality can also be free!

a clear style, I could not even identify himself, the songs have all the exotic components and are quite extraordinary. Like somehow Tiki. ;-)
The music may not be the classical bar music, but with more expected to casual party or a cozy meeting do well in the background.

and listen to it! world


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