Thursday, September 20, 2007

Burton Binding M Size Fit Boot Size 10

Moodle Conference 2007 A report

Peter Smith writes in an interesting literary Academic Commons project. As part of his course of contemporary literature, 1945 - present at Swarthmore College, he gives a detailed report on a podcasting project that he has performed with a larger group of students. The aim of the task, it was two episodes short podcasting record, one that read a passage from the original texts and a second in which the students discuss the work. Interesting to the sections Lessons Learned and Measured Results, in the latter describes Smith as podcasts be integrated into the performance evaluation of the regular course can. The episodes are read aloud tw. very nice read and can be used in regular English classes. To promote reading, students can also read even some podcast episodes. This results in a short period of increased reading ability. By the previously belonged episodes of the students, it also comes with improved intonation.