Monday, February 14, 2011

Marketsphere Microsoft Scam


"It is proper for you to doubt, to be uncertain.

Do not believe what has been acquired by repeated hearing; nor upon tradition; nor upon rumor; nor upon what is in a scripture; nor upon surmise; nor upon an axiom; nor upon specious reasoning; nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over; nor upon another's seeming ability; nor upon the consideration, 'So and so is our teacher.'

When you yourselves know: 'These things are bad; these things are blamable; undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill,' abandon them.

When you yourselves know: 'These things are good, these things are not embarrassing; under taken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness, "enter on and abide in them'"

Gautama Buddha


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